Dutch Referendum on Ukraine: EU Pressures Voters to Approve Kiev-EU Asssociation

Futurist Trendcast

Dutch referendum on Ukraine is looming. In the run up to it, EU and US pressure voters to approve Kiev-EU association. Various tactics, from brainwashing, threatening with Russia and the ‘new Hitler,’ to direct bribes are applied. Billionaire Soros promises 200,000 euros for YES votes.

So far, Dutch citizens don’t buy it. The preliminary poll’s results are: 44.5% YES, 55.5% NO.

Dutch journalists have leaked government plans on dealing with an upcoming referendum on a controversial treaty between the EU and Ukraine. The Association Agreement envisions closer economic, political and cultural ties between Kiev and the bloc. A ‘NO’ vote in the referendum would force Dutch politicians to reconsider the pact, which they have already approved without consulting the public.

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